Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Thing #8 Flickr Fun

In the above image I used the Spell with Flickr website that allows you to spell out words with images of letters from Flickr. It automatically creates the image for you. Then if you don't like a letter it used, you can just click on the letter and it changes to another picture to that letter. This was super easy to do. It many be a neat way to make name tags for desks or other things in your classroom. 

In the puzzle picture, I used the Puzzle Creator website along with a wedding picture of my bouquet and our wedding rings. This website was super easy to use. All I had to do what upload a picture, then download it to my computer. I could see this being used in the classroom with younger children. It could be a lesson on uploading pictures and using web tools. The students could also present their picture along with a speech, or just as show and tell. 

I believe that sharing photos online has its pros and its cons. Its great to have a backup of all your photos so that if they were to ever get lost, you would still have copies electronically saved. Its also good to share pictures with family and friends that you don't get to see every day. I think you have to be careful of who you share your pictures with though. I always try to keep my privacy settings set so that only my friends can see my pictures. I am also very careful of who I add as friends. YOu do not want he wrong people seeing a picture that you have publicly posted. 

1 comment:

  1. As someone who is just now completing the commenting assignment (yes, I know, shame on me), I have to say that I really like your two images you created with Flickr. The name plate is very neat and rustic, and the puzzle is very interesting. I'm sure that when I get to that assignment I shall also enjoy the creativity available with those tools.
