Monday, April 14, 2014

Thing # 18 Tweet Tweet

Follow me on twitter!

It is important that educators understand the importance of social networking, because its all our students know these days. Students use phrases like "follow me" or "hashtag" in everyday language, and if you understand what your students are talking about, they will be shocked. Educators also need to understand the importance of social networking to be able to collaborate with people across the world in their field, and follow the newest developments in your subject area.

I have used twitter for years, so I didn't necessarily learn anything new, but I did begin to realize how twitter can be an educational tool, and not just for pure social means. My search of hashtags made me think I could put together a hashtag for my classroom such as #KHSChemistry and students could see the trending posts. Following this trending hashtag would allow students to discuss what they did in class or to get help from each other on homework questions. To see hashtags I believe you have to have public tweets or be friends, so you could also create a twitter account for your classroom and allow teachers and students to follow the account. You could tweet your weekly schedule, homework hints, and reminders to your students. Students would really enjoy and appreciate such a use of twitter, because its something they check so often!

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