Monday, April 14, 2014

Thing # 13 Google Drive

Google Drive Discoveries 

Below is a screen shot of the Lesson Closure quiz I made using Google Forum

I believe one of the best applications of Google Drive is the ability of students to collaborate on the same document. That eliminates one person doing all the work compiling the information. Each student can now be focused on their part of the document, and then edit or make suggestions to other students' work on the same document. This will also probably motivate your slackers to get their portion done, because everyone can see your progress as you work through your part of the assignment. I really think Google Drive is creating applications that will benefit teachers in the classroom.

Zoho seemed more business focused. You also had to pay for this application after a 14-day free trial. I felt like Google Drive was easier for me to use. I am already familiar with gmail, so I found all the buttons I needed pretty easily. Zoho may not be affordable for a school system to purchase for each student. Google Drive is a much better choice for public school educators to use.

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